The movie is based on Vladimir Mayakovskys script that was never filmed. The protagonist is a young Marxist artist leading a bohemian life. At a party he dies of an overdoes and is placed in a cryoreservoir. After 20 years he is transported to the Institute of Man and a decision is taken to resurrect him. But will the protagonist find a place for himself in a new ideal world?
Video version of the 1-hour audio-visual performance by the Ensemble of Childrens Musical Instruments (ADMI) made at Lumiere Center of Photography, August 23, 2012.
The circle of incest. The gravitation of death. Mother gives birth to the husbands father. Humanity should as far as possible be governed by the laws of God. But we witness death and incessant birth, thoughtless and obscure. This is a movie about mediological peculiarities of human existence.
Characters placed in different interiors, indulge in idle arguments in the atmosphere of laziness and comfort.