Arena /

12.06.2013 14:00 Ivanovo / the cinema "Lodz" / hall No2 Brief and clear
Arena /
Russia / 2012 / 22 min. / color / stereo

Director & Scriptwriter Eduard A. Bordukov
Camera Ilya Kondratiev
Design Oxana Fomina
Music Mark Leyn
Cast: Azamat Nigmanov, Vadim Dorofeev, Vlad Dunaev, Ilya Zhinilo
Production Film Company “Tvorog Media Group”

Moscow is the Arena. The merciless labyrinth of courtyards which won’t let you out. There are three of them – a Uzbek guy and two police cadets. They are victims, their fate is predetermined, no help is coming, the masses demand bread and circuses.
