Attentionwhores / Directors: Alexei Buldakov, Anastasia Ryabova

12.06.2013 21:00 Ivanovo / the cinema "Lodz" / hall No2 Videoart
Attentionwhores / Directors: Alexei Buldakov, Anastasia Ryabova
Russia / 2011 / 4 min. / color

Authors Alexei Buldakov, Anastasia Ryabova

Attentionwhores means numerous competitors for our attention. Each element in the enormous garbage heap strives to become the most important. Each arbitrary motion strives to become regular. Every event must be understood. Hordes of nonentities ousted to the periphery of our attention, rotting away beyond the realm of topical problems, need the help of an artist to manifest their potential.


Born in 1980 in Kostroma. Graduated from Russian State University for the Humanities. In 1999–2004 was a member of the creative group “Radek”. Is one of the founders of the interdisciplinary research project “Urban Fauna Lab”. Lives and works in Moscow.


Born in Moscow. The author of the Internet archive of works of modern art from private collections of artists called “Artists’ Private Collections”. One of the founders of the project “Agency Supostat” which provides a research basis for the study of artistic medium.
