Donatella Baglivo

Донателла Бальиво

Film director. Italy. 

She founded her own film CIAK Studio when was only 18 years-old, thus becoming the youngest among film businessmen in Italy. Editor of documentary films and advertising videos for TV channel RAI and other companies. In 1982–1984 she directed documentary trilogy about Andrey Tarkovsky. She realized many non-fiction projects in the USA, including cine portraits of world famous filmmakers James Dean, Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, Frank Capra, etc. Her biographical works are studied in the universities, shown on screens and broadcasted over TV in Italy and other countries. In 1992 Teatro Gerini staged “Dilettanti in TV”. Author of documentary cycles “Storia e leggende dei nostri castelli” (1987), "I Grandi Del Cinema Italiano" (1995), “Viaggio in Israele – Tra storia e religioni” (1999) , Italia Germania Villa Vigoni – Un laboratorio di Cultura Europrea” ( 1996), “La cinepresa e il mio amore” (2000), “Storie del ‘900” (2000) and others.
