«Я хотел рассказать о русской форме ностальгии о том типичном для нашей нации состоянии души, которое охватывает нас, русских, когда мы находимся вдали от родины. В этом я видел если хотите свой патриотический долг, так, как я его сам ощущаю и понимаю...
Post-modern romantic detective story, shot entirely in Taipei, Taiwan, consist of parallel storylines and pop-cultural quotations. In a nutshell it speaks about the collision in the family of a writer and her husband. But in reality it follows the police and ordinary citizens in situations which mirror everyday life, including shootouts and chaos...
The famous grandmaster, founder of the oldest school of martial arts, is going to retire and wants to appoint a worthy successor who will carry his tradition forward. But his best student has more ambitious plans to integrate all schools in one. To fulfill this mission he challenges leaders of each school for a duel and, having won all fights, unites the schools, except of his late masters. His masters daughter, secretly in love with her rival, decides to fight to honor her fathers name.
The artist brings up the problem of historical memory, turning to the images of people recorded by the photo camera in the 20s and 30s of the past century. Those are people whose life was dedicated to the building of new society, whose work formed the foundation for the well-being of the present generation...