Familiar spaces are treated unambiguously and immediately. We often dont notice any details we dont give any chance for another way of existеnce.
Today the Internet appears to be the most accessible source of information. But what if the user can read only in his native language? This problem can be solved with the help of commonly used automatic translators. One of the most popular is Google online translator. Author tried to use this resource to present the modern view...
Attentionwhores means numerous competitors for our attention. Each element in the enormous garbage heap strives to become the most important. Each arbitrary motion strives to become regular. Every event must be understood. Hordes of nonentities ousted to the periphery of our attention, rotting away beyond the realm of topical problems, need the help of an artist to manifest their potential.
This is the second edition from the cycle by the ADMI project (the Ensemble of Childrens Musical Instruments). The first release of this video was at the Kandinsky Award closing, December 13, 2012. It may be used as a visual aid for the accelerated mastery of the materials.